• Jack (edited 9 years ago)

    This is a very disturbing perspective. The author is not only racist and sexist, but also hopelessly self-centered and unwilling to allow others to be different from them.

    My first experience with reddit was being downvoted into the negative for expressing a conservative point of view on r/politics. Within a week I had learned about SRS, and how they violate reddit policies (such as brigading, doxing, threats of violence and the like) with impunity from their admin bedfellows. It is far from the "white boys" website the author wants to paint it as, and people like the author intend to do everything in their power to drive out every bit of diversity of thought, not only from reddit but from the world. Such an entitled, privileged and arrogantly ignorant supremacism might have been tacky coming from Hitler and the Nazis, but it is absurd and unthinkable coming from a doll-loving neckbearded manchild the likes of the author.