8 years ago
Valve Bans Game Publisher After It Sues Players That Gave It Bad Steam Reviews
Video game developer Digital Homicide, it would seem, is out to commit digital suicide. The studio already earned a bit of bad press earlier this year by slapping game critic Jim Sterling with a ridiculous $10 million lawsuit for posting rude video reviews of their games since 2014, and that still isn't settled. Now, however, they're casting a wider net that's only provoking more anger. Based on legal documents posted on Google Docs recently by YouTuber SidAlpha, Digital Homicide developer James Romine is now suing 100 users of Valve's Steam digital distribution platform for $18 million for the heinous crime of leaving bad reviews...
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This is just a growing problem that's getting worse, first it was doctors and lawyers who didn't like Yelp reviews, now it's game makers, what's next the IRS? Sadly, judges are buying(or being bought) the arguments that critical reviews harm and allows stupid lawsuits to go forward.
Good for Valve!!! If you screw up, you pay. Check out how No Man's Sky has been flamed to a cinder.
When Steam changed their algorithm to eliminate weighting reviews from people who got the game for free, their (DH) business model went into the dumpster. I'm not clear on what they see as their end-game. Make terrible "games", sue people who review them, then sue Valve when they kick your sorry company to the curb? Good luck finding a lawyer to take that loser of a case.