• KickPuncher

    So if I'm understanding this right, the glasses themselves don't have much to them, just a display and communication (with a phone) system? This would save a load of bulk and allow you to deal with the set-up and all the other fiddly bits on your phone basically freeing up the glasses to only display useful information. To me, this is a great idea and I don't know why Google didn't think of this considering they're heavily involved on the mobile side of things.

    You know, Google glass was always something I thought was cool but impractical and that I wouldn't end up getting it but I can genuinely see my self using this.

    • drunkenninja

      The only thing that I can image taking up a bit of space is the battery, and that is fine. If I was going to wear this, id need to make sure it lasts at least 24 hours of fulltime use.

      • KickPuncher

        Personally I'd sacrifice half of that battery life to make it as thin as possible. As long as it gets through a day comfortably, I can always charge it at night.