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Published 10 years ago by drunkenninja with 1 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    This is a poorly written article. No real research, apocryphal data, and heresy.

    Programming is a stressful profession. Lots of them are. Feel free to ask a Nurse, an EMT, A Stock Trader, and an Offshore Drill Rig operator the same sorts of questions, and you would probably get the same sorts of responses. If difficult professions were easier, they would pay you less to do them. Some are mentally challenging, some are physically challenging. Lots of people can do them day in and day out without a problem while others can't handle the pressure and go into different fields.

    the Real Programmer doesn't really consider it "work". ...

    This reminds me of the No True Scottsman fallacy. If you're not blissfully coding all the time, you're obviously not cut out for the job, right? That's silly. Some people honestly love doing what they do and push themselves constantly to do better. Others are "just OK" with what they do and languish in their positions, afraid to change. The world is big enough to hold both sorts of people within it.

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