9 years ago
The Perseid meteor shower — the year's best — is tonight. Here's how to watch it.
The Perseid meteor shower — the most active meteor shower of the year — is coming Wednesday night. As Earth plows through a trail of dust and rock left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle, tiny pieces of debris will enter our atmosphere and burn up, producing dazzling shooting stars. Starting around 11 pm local time (regardless of your time zone) on Wednesday, you'll be able to see as many as 50 of these meteors per hour — with the show aided by the low amount of light coming from the barely...
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I'm stoked for this year's Perseids. And I just moved to a more remote mountain home so it'll be more convenient than ever to hop out at watch.
Also, if you're out watching and interested in helping do some research, this app will allow you to record your meteor sightings, location, and help researchers: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codysseus.meteorcounter