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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 11 Comments

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  • loch

    So, as a question: Are there any security issues involved in this? Like someone could hijack the arm and control it? Because that sounds like a mad security risk if it is hackable.

    • thepoleman1

      If I had to guess, I'd say the software is self-contained without any outside connections while in the field. It is only operated by the wearer. So much like you can't hack a tank or night vision goggles, it would be very difficult to influence the actions of the MAXFAS without being in direct contact with it.

  • rainbowraptor

    It'll be interesting how this will look and operate like in the future once they figure out a way to let you move your arm while not shooting. Would it be controlled by a computer or would the person using it need to set it themselves?

    • ZombiePharmer

      The speed of which we are figuring out how to interpret signals from the brain for translation to computer interfaces is incredible, IMO, right now. I would imagine at some point in the future this would just naturally work when the signals are interpreted at the time you aim the weapon. Thinking of a MIT Technology Review article I read a while ago, I feel brain-computer interfaces will be the primary way we interact with software and machines in the not too distant future.

    • zackvixacd

      It is probably going to be some kind of adaptive control. Similar toto steerinfsteering assist.

  • kvn

    All I could think was Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

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