• picklefingers

    Still seems like a sort of useless article then. Really the only people actively seeking out information on that sort of technology are the people who fall into the second group. Most people who fall into the first group probably don't even know it is a thing. It's negative journalism just for the sake of being negative. Essentially cracked style clickbait "Why you should hate these things that you've never heard about and probably would've never cared about otherwise"

    • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

      I don't know if its useless, I agree with his opinion, these things are stupid, complicated, bulky and generally a bad VR experience. Lots of people can save a wad of cash if they read a realistic opinion from someone that says it how it is. I guess our opinions are different on this, so lets agree to disagree :D

    • picklefingers
      @drunkenninja -

      Of course. And that's one of the reason why this place is better than reddit. On reddit, its almost blasphemy for people to disagree on something and it to not degrade into some stupid fight.

      But you're wrong and I'm right. :P