• Hydrozoa

    Having a hard time deciding how I feel about this. On one hand, I was pretty excited that modders were getting legal recognition that their efforts deserve pay. On the other I wasn't happy with the system that was put in place. On ... the third ... hand I was really disapointed in how the PC gaming community decided to go full on outrage over this. Gaming communities seem to be getting very toxic lately.

    • drunkenninja

      I think its the fact that the mobile gaming market was so corrupted with micro payments and DLCs that they are rightfully terrified of what precedent this move may set for the future of the PC gaming community. While I personally feel that modders should get recognition, a simple donate button might work far better when it comes to some sort of monetary reward for their work.

      • Hydrozoa (edited 9 years ago)

        Donate buttons have been around for a long time. If they actually worked then there wouldn't be a threat of modders moving to a paid workshop. Further, if the market is able to support mods, they should be allowed to sell them if the IP owner is willing to allow it. I personally don't believe consumers should have an additional say in what does and does not deserve monitary compensation, beyond what their wallet affords.

        Being scared of what the future might hold isn't a valid response to content creators who want control over monetary compensation for their output. We don't demand that graphic designers, website creators, or any other software provider use a donation system. What makes modders different?

        • drunkenninja

          Being scared of what the future might hold isn't a valid response to content creators who want control over monetary compensation for their output. We don't demand that graphic designers, website creators, or any other software provider use a donation system. What makes modders different?

          Modders are creating modifications to an existing product while website creators, graphics designers are either creating their own products (websites) or working to create additional features for existing projects directly assigned by the product owners. Either way, you're right about one thing... at the end of the day modders, game makers and other parties alike should be able to do whatever they want for the sole purpose to monetize their creations and gamers really left with a simple choice. Support those companies or not, however if you ruffle enough feathers... this happens and a game company falling from grace can have a difficult time recovering. Then again, EA is one of the most hated companies in the US and they seem to do ok.