• sysadmin

    The unfortunate thing is that even though my account may be "deleted," their data on me won't be. Sure the account will be made unrecoverable, but all they've learned about me will persist. I feel stupid for trusting them in the first place. I'll chalk it up to a lesson learned and try not to make the same mistake again.

    • drunkenninja

      Agreed, you cant be 100% sure, ever. The biggest problem I see is that your email is not private unless you literally run your own server.

    • cunt (edited 10 years ago)

      If you're in the UK they have to provide you with a copy of all data they hold on you, you may be charged a wee fee for this! And data must be deleted when no longer required, usually three to five years after you last login or delete your account.

      Details: Data Protection Act 1998, schedule 1

      4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

      5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

      Information Commissi... What are my rights?

      Under the Data Protection Act, you may ask an organisation to stop using your information.

      You do not have an automatic right to have personal data deleted. However, you may ask an organisation to stop using your information

      More information on both these points on both at the I.C.O. website above

      Restoring a Google Account

      Restoring a Google Account

      If you accidentally deleted your Google Account, you can attempt to restore it by going to our password assistance page within a limited window of time after deletion. Select "I don't know my password," and click the link to verify your identity on the following page.

      After this period is when your data is no longer required