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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 6 Comments

Fantastic Four Final International TRAILER (HD)


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  • frohawk (edited 9 years ago)

    Looks they are really trying to milk the Marvel cash cow for all its worth, making sure they have a huge amount of Movie/Television universe playgrounds to prance around in.

    Like, can you imagine the smash up of all the current Marvel (2008 and on) Universes, either movie series or tv series?

    Here are the ones off the top of my head:

    -Iron Man -Avengers -Captain America -Ant Man -Fantastic Four -Thor -DareDevil -Agents of Shield -Agent Carter -Spiderman

    Seriously, it's like they're doing Day of Our Lives, only with comic book characters.

  • kevino025

    Ill be honest, Im really not looking forward to this movie. While it doesnt look at bad as everyone thought it would a while back, Ive yet to see anything that would makes this movie great. It just seems like a 'generic' (and I hate to use that term) super hero origin movie. Maybe the Batman vs Superman trailer spoiled me, but I just dont see it in this one. I really am hoping the movie will prove me wrong. Lets just ditch the origins stories for a while, specially for rebooted characters.

    • JoPro87

      It just seems like they are rehashing the other Fantastic Four movies (which were also generic). Way to set the bar low!

    • BurnsyDelight

      Agree completely. Maybe just like... assume we know who they are.

    • Chinky

      My sentiments exactly. Then again, it's just a trailer and I certainly wouldn't want a trailer to give away everything. It definitely appears to be going in a "safe" direction movie wise but we'll see. Well, some people will see, I won't because I'm hoping it will fail and the rights will eventually go back to marvel.

  • PlaydoughMnstr

    With this trailer showing everything important from the movie, I know I won't see it until it hits Netflix. Looks kind of bad and the dialogue is consistently terrible through the trailer....

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