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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 7 Comments

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  • ttubravesrock

    As someone who doesn't smoke anything and never will, I don't care what the e-cigs do to the smoker. Anyone who smokes anything knows they are damaging their lungs.

    I'm more interested in the second-hand comparison.

    • brendintosh

      I agree. I personally vape because its healthier and cheaper than the amount of cigars and hookah smoking I was doing before, but I know inhaling anything other than clean air is bad for my lungs. I feel like the bigger problem is how much damage.. A lot of people who vape think its the greatest thing ever with no risks, while people against it think its just as bad (if not worse) than smoking. Either side isn't healthy hahaha

  • drunkenninja

    I used e-cigs to help me quit my social smoking addiction which would have me smoke as much as 10 cigs if I had enough alcohol. However after that I slowly gave up e-cigs as my goal was not to put anything into my lungs. My liver on the other hand, a whole nother story :D

    • tukka

      Yeah exactly. They really do make a good alternative for people addicted to nicotine and smoking and want to quit. End of story.

  • wondaROY

    Still a hell of a lot healthier than normal cigarettes.

  • jackthetripper

    Who exactly paid for this study... nm you don't need to answer as I probably already know...

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