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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 4 Comments

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  • SevenTales

    Please be real and soon, please be real and soon!

    The only serious problem is that the process would require literal tons of aluminum nanoparticles. While aluminum is cheap in bulk, the process to convert that aluminum into nanoparticles is potentially prohibitively expensive.

    awww shucks.

    • drunkenninja

      Yep, the disappointment when that line is read... maybe some day!

  • NinjaKlaus

    I'd be happy with regular charging if they could find a way to give me a bigger and better battery in the same size it is now. For that matter I don't need super low mm thin phones if you can give me a days worth of heavy usage at medium brightness.

    • spaceghoti

      I typically get two days' use on the battery in the Droid Maxx, three to four with light usage.

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