8 years ago
Al Gore offers to work with Trump on climate change. Good luck with that.
Former vice president and longtime environmental activist Al Gore campaigned hard against Donald Trump, saying his election “would take us toward a climate catastrophe.” But now that Trump will soon be occupying the Oval Office, Gore is extending an olive branch, saying in an online posting this week that he will do everything he can to work with the incoming administration to ensure that the United States remains a leader in combating the harmful effects of global warming.
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While not everyone believes in climate change who can really fault them for wanting to protect the environment? My only problem would be Al Gore wanting to do it, anybody remember his awful powerpoint that he called a movie and how wrong he was?
How wrong was he?
As would anyone with millions to billions of dollars at stake.
Fill me in, here. How is climate change a hoax perpetrated by fat cat scientific researchers, Al Gore personally, and the Chinese Red Army, again? As opposed to, you know, settled science and a runaway threat to life on Earth?
Your ramble is inane.
Al Gore offers to help an incoming president with climate change policy, you say he’s in it for the money, and I’m insane? You’ve got nerve. I’m afraid that’s the only good thing I have to say, though, so perhaps I’d better leave it at that. Unless you want to explain the grand conspiracy theory you have that people should believe instead of what they see around them everywhere every day now.
"Inane" not "insane".
Read before you leap, and any lecture you may try to give me on civility would be in the very least,
Distinction without a difference. If you can’t or won’t explain what you meant by your original comment, that’s okay. Al’s done very well for himself selling his cable network to Al Jazeera. He’s not exactly cash poor. Even if he was, he could always hock the Oscar, the Emmy, the Nobel Peace Prize, or any of the countless other awards and honors he’s earned. So don’t worry yourself too terribly he’s going to steal silverware.
Your antagonistic attitude is prevalent in your every response/comment.
Your attributions, name callings, deserve nothing as response, but I'll offer this anyway:
Al Gore is invested in multiple schemes to profit directly from Global Warming,,,, fairly common knowledge.
Whether you believe me or not, doesn't matter to me.
You can't approach a discussion with any form of civility, what's your purpose?
I want to hear more about these get-rich-quick schemes behind Al Gore's great global warming hoax. What are they? How does he fake the dramatic changes in the world's climate now unmistakably taking place all over the world? Is he in cahoots with the Chinese that our new president says are behind the hoax?
Al Gore is invested in multiple schemes to profit directly from Global Warming.
It's easily researched.
I'll take that to mean if you leave talk radio stations in the U.S. on long enough then it's bound to come up. Willful misunderstanding like that's impressive. You've clearly commmitted yourself fully to the role. A lot of trolls wouldn't be able to shake off their ego so completely that they'd go full retard that way.