• Gozzin

    I agree...And unless that certain passage is erased from that certain book,nothing will ever change.

    • cunt

      People need to be educated more. Specific religious schooling should be banned in state schools and should never become part of government legislation making.

      The main problem in the west is that people think that Islam = religion when in fact its like Christianity. Christianity has Protestantism, Catholicism, Greek Orthodox etc and Islam has Sunni, Shia, Wahhabism etc

      Not every Muslim wants to kill every non-muslim.

      Islam in general though is stuck in the past, the Saudis should take a large proportion of the blame for this.

      • CrookedTale

        All religious legislation, laws, and court systems should be banned and removed from government state or federal. You can't give any quarter to anyone using religion as way to justify a persons action.