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Everything about tech, if its not tech, its not for here. Simple!
Business is a combination of war and sport.
If you have something interesting to share about future technology and science? This is the place...
A place to discuss everything about your business ideas and concepts.
New and interesting web/tech startups. Found the next Google, Facebook, YouTube, or Pandora?...
Mental illness is the only disease that can make you deny its own existence. Certainly the idea...
The how-to tribe
This tribe is all about the progress of AI. Please post only snaps / self posts in regards to...
Welcome to t/Machine Learning! Here we talk about topics such Machine Learning, Data Mining,...
Software drives the world. Join us.
Tribe: Science
Web: The portal to the internet
Social media and all other social web related news, info and more.
Gadget city
Internet tribe: The technical side of the internet
Computing is not just about computers any more. It is also about living.
All things Mobile. Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows phone all welcome!
Tribe dedicated to man's best friend
All about technical stuff
For those with small business interests: starting, financing, sales & marketing, govt...