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Published 9 years ago by darvinhg with 2 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    I think what needs to happen is ad blockers to have a stealth mode. Blocking ads is no different than muting ads on tv and going to take a pee or whatever. Ad pushers have spent years behaving badly and now they moan and groan when people have had enough of their pushy behaviour and fight back..Oh cry me a river. For me,I see it as the advertising industry wants to remove my freedom to control my own computer. For me,that's not happening. I've been advertised to all my life and I'm sick of it. I have an internet browser, not an internet billboard.

  • NinjaKlaus

    So, once the cat and mouse game reaches real bad problems, what are they going to do when people start turning to host file adlist blocking? It's already possible, and techy people do it, what happens when somebody makes it just as easy to do for everybody else? Or will they then go to Microsoft and say, stop this, stop it now.

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