• NinjaKlaus (edited 6 years ago)

    Let's say you work 40 hours a week and still only bring home about 400 dollars and that's before taxes at $10 an hour, after taxes that 400 is now $270 after FICA, Payroll, and other taxes. Well, that means those trying to live on that already feel like they are being fucked over, you add in the taxes needed to cover single payer and they are probably looking at $200 or less checks, they won't care that they're getting supposedly more affordable care, they'll only care that once again big government came and took money out of their check and they can't afford to lose any more. If you can't see a tangible benefit upfront it's probable you will not want it.

    Another problem, private insurance will not go down without a major fight against any single payer plans, you have no further proof than the only thing Democrats could pass was the AHCA, which is insurance reform to force people to buy a private insurance product.

    • Appaloosa

      Yes...force them to buy private insurance plans to harvest taxes on existing and future plans, for a middleman. Brilliant.