• rookshook

    Could the AP, which is the most neutral/unbiased source of them all, be banned because of this recent story I posted yesterday? HMMMM

    • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)

      The Associated Press, an association of American newspapers, did break the old, colonial, semigovernmental news and propaganda cartels' hold over world news distribution. Ostensibly true and unbiased objective journalism is as the AP once claimed, the greatest gift America'd ever given the world. To call the AP objective though? It's, in itself, something of a cartel. Might be more accurate to say that it's representative of a certain, orthodox Washington consensus worldview. They may look the other way around the Swine Emporer's day-to-day racketeering, he's a war president in a solidly Republican controlled era in American history. But he's not too bent for the savvier grifters operating out of the Beltway to get in there with angle grinders.

    • ckshenn

      Sure looks like it.