• leweb

    Ah, but you see, when America does it, it's a good thing because we're the land of the free and the brave, and the standard bearers of democracy and freedom for the world. When Russia or any other country does it, it's really bad because they're evil commies/terrorists who want to subjugate and terrorize the world, and they kick puppies and eat babies alive.

    Nevermind that our own Nobel Prize winner President murders innocent civilians attending weddings using drones with no due process and no oversight. Or that they covertly spy on hundreds of millions of innocent people who haven't committed nor plan to commit any crime. Or that they torture prisoners for decades without any semblance of due process. Or that they destroy the lives of any whistleblowers who dare to even suggest what's going on, and brutally torture any of those they can get their hands on. Or that they fund coups and put genocides in power in other countries. All those things must be done to save the world from chaos and terrorism. Obviously Americans and the good guys, right? RIGHT?

    • Gozzin

      Obviously Americans are the only good guys. Whatever we do is ok. We have our double standards and the world might as well get used to it./s