• Autumnal

    And it's about time, too. What a great step, I'm so happy for all the couples, I hope all their weddings are what they've been dreaming of.

    • caelreth

      Couldn't agree more.

      But I'm still avoiding Facebook for the day. Don't want to feed the trolls.

      • btcprox (edited 8 years ago)

        Even if you don't participate, it can be fun to make a drinking game out of it! Like take a shot each time you see a related comment/post that mentions:

        * A religion forbidding same-sex relationships

        * Animals in nature knowing that a male mates with a female only (though that's not strictly true)

        * Slippery slope of people demanding for marriage between an adult human and some other thing that's not an adult human

        * The "gayness" spreading and causing Armageddon via extinction

        * Obama bringing the USA to ruin

        * Not being comfortable with the idea of male-male anal

        • [Deleted Profile]

          [This comment was removed]

        • caelreth

          Hey! Hadn't thought of that. I need alcohol and my FB stream, stat!

        • idlethreat

          Emily Lynn Haas The issue isn't in the actual ruling. It's that the Supreme Court overstepped their bounds and made a decision for the states that they had no right to make in the first place. They have no actual authority to pass down such a judgment.

          Greg Goodman Emily, that's EXACTLY what the Supreme Court's job is, you stupid hillbilly.

          foxnews facebook page is pretty good right now. I'm enjoying it.

      • trendkill

        My dad recently changed his profile pic to the Confederate Flag. I'm pretty afraid of what his opinion of the Court's decision will be.

        • caelreth

          I can imaging you are. But at least you know what topic not to bring up around him.

          • ttubravesrock

            some people like to bring up controversial topics in discussion.