9 years ago
Donald Trump: 'Everybody loves me'
Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with CNN's Anderson Cooper about his relationship with Hillary Clinton and the rest of the 2016 candidates.
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Of course everyone loves the guy that talks smack about other countries and their people, especially said offended countries that have diplomatic relations with the US :P
Exactly. How could you not love him?
This guy has no low. He'll do or say anything, seemingly without consequence.
I think he's confusing "pointing and laughing" with "love".
I do that all the time.
At this point I don't know if he is the most delusional person on the planet or just faking it. Either way it is going to be fun watching him run for president.
How is he a presidential candidate? Can literally anyone run for president in the US?
There are some restrictions in place.
tl;dr: Age 35 or older, natural born citizen, must have been residing in country for past 14 years.
I DO love this guy right now. As horrible as he is, he'll serve as a perfect reminder to American voters why we shouldn't put the Republican party back in charge.
If he runs as an independent after the primaries, I might actually cry tears of joy.
Trump os the far extreme to make the next Republican to join the race for president seem sensible in comparison ? There has to be some front or angle to this. The underlying truth in this is any publicity is good publicity. He could demand more money for a new show or simply bank on his image,, tarnished or no. I am just not entertained nor engaged enough to notice beyond this comment.
Trump is all about the ratings!
Donald Trump reminds me so much of Zapp Brannigan it is scary.