• Muffintop

    If you're interested in this, try reading "Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding In Plain Sight". The author is a sociopath and she goves you an insight in her life and way if thinking. I found it a captivating read. And it also explains the difference between psychpaths and sociopaths, lots of people confuse these two ;)

    • vulpixwithdix

      oh wow that's awesome. i will look into that. thank you! i know of some of the main differences. i like in-depth explanations like that. Girl, Interrupted is another one. Borderline personality disorder. I'd recommend reading the book before seeing the movie, though. More fun that way.

      Thank you for the suggestion!

      • Muffintop

        Girl Interrupted is still on my to-read list! Can't believe I had forgotten about it. Will go and order it now!