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Published 10 years ago by bkmacdaddy with 7 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    I dunno if it can be considered a "Viable Long-term Solution" if they're building a new house on the same property.

    My ex-inlaws did pretty much this over the course of several years. They built out what was basically a large metal shed on a concrete slab, sectioned off the back area with a kitchen/bathroom/etc. on a property they had. It gave them a chance to save up for building a new house. So, it was husband, wife, and youngest daughter all together.

    They ended up getting a nice manufactured home installed on the property and moved into it.

    • drunkenninja

      Why did they end up getting a manufactured home instead? What was the reasoning behind their decision do you know?

      • idlethreat

        I think the original plan was to build a house from scratch. However, it ended up being cheaper to go with a manufactured home, instead.

  • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

    Just wait until those kids grow up a little and start inviting boys/girls over, or needing more space of homework or their daily activities! IMHO tiny living is not for everyone, and I wouldn't recommend trying to grow a family in one of these little houses (if anything, build a little bigger, no one ever said you cant have a 400sq foot tiny home if you have a larger family of four.)

    Kids have specific life requirements in order to be successful in today's reality, a lot of work would need to go into making those assurances otherwise you could be hurting the future of those most dear to you.

    • bkmacdaddy

      I agree with you. If you read the whole article they are building a "regular" size house to live in by the time their kids are adolescents, because they agree with you as well. The tiny house gave them four years of mortgage-free living and enabled them to build their next abode, also mortgage-free. It's an excellent example and story.

      • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

        Yep, my bad I continued reading and noticed they are also building a larger home to go along with their starter "tiny home". What a great idea!

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