11 years ago
7 Sentences That Sound Crazy But Are Still Grammatical
This Grammar Day, let's not look at grammar as a cold, harsh mistress. She can also be a fun, kooky aunt. Here are some tricks you can do to make crazy sounding sentences that are still grammatical.
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Definitely using this one in the future:
though I'll probably have to copy-paste it.
They all hurt my brain but this was the worst.
Whoever writes like this should be institutionalized... my head
This seriously made me cringe.
le cringe le reddit le new memes x)
Even if it is technically correct, nobody would want anybody to write like that. If you wrote this sort of thing in a paper for a professor, they'd more than likely mark you down for shitting out unintelligible-sounding gibber jabber like this.
Ooh, I love this kind of stuff - I've definitely heard the buffalo one before. Next time I speak like #4 "The project the developer the client liked coded failed QA," and someone gets on me, I'll point them straight to this. Or maybe I should change my sentence structure? Sigh.