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11 years agoAchievement flamindogpoo
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations flamindogpoo on this achievement!
+530 XP -
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
I think the question should be "What the hell isn't wrong with Nintendo"... They squander their influence and don't respect developers enough. Their leaders have some of the most inflated heads in the industry. Nintendo was a powerhouse in the day, especially two decades ago. From NES, SNES and N64, everybody was trying to get on their bandwagon. But the N64, despite how great it was, I would say it was the beginning of their downfall. It limited developers insanely. Disk-based systems were on the market already, with the Sega CD, Sega Saturn, PSOne and at the end of the decade, the Dreamcast. An incredible amount of possible titles never saw any sort of release, or moved onto new consoles. Final Fantasy VII required a stronger system, so Squaresoft moved to developing for Sony. Earthbound's sequel went into an insane development hell for years, thanks to NIntendo's attempt to reboot the N64 with the N64DD. Shigesato Itoi scrapped the original completely and released it on GBA a decade later, and it ultimately lead to his retirement. While the SNES was the platform for RPGs, the N64's memory and graphic limitations forced RPG developers, just as Square did, to move onto the PSOne.
I love the N64, but it really limited Nintendo at the time. And while the Gamecube and Wii were successful enough financially, Nintendo began losing a lot of its fans, or at least a lot of those who they hadn't lost already. The WiiU is another limited system. Developers who want to focus on graphics can't really, which has always been a problem with Nintendo. They've always been a step behind in graphics. Graphics don't make a game, but developers want to evolve, not remain stagnant.
Not to mention, Nintendo of America is a whole separate story. Rarely are mature games found for 3DS and Wii. When one weasels its way past Reggie (who put the kibosh on a lot of mature titles, like the fourth sequel in the Fatal Frame franchise, a Wii exclusive), it gets little attention. Games Nintendo...
show morePosted in: What the Hell Is Wrong With Nintendo?
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
Just think about it guys... all your information ever entered into Google lived there ;^)
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
This hologram is the Matrix.
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
Came here to write "more like wincest," but after reading the article, that shit is so fucked up. Kinda made me feel sick...
11 years agoCurrent Event flamindogpoo
NSFW That time Harvard and Yale took Naked Photos of all their Freshmen Students
The Lost Nude Photographs of the American Elite Uncensored photo here (you naughty minx). Somewhere out there is a naked photograph of Hillary Clinton. Between the 1940s and the 1970s, several ivy league colleges had a very strange requirement for all their incoming freshmen students. Harvard, Yale, Wellesley College, Vassar as well as Brown University, [...]
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
La Seine
More like "le" Seine x) DAE LE EBIN NEW MAYMAYS
Posted in: Hunting for the Lost River of Paris
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
They've changed their domain many times. I don't understand why this is getting so much attention.
11 years agoAchievement flamindogpoo
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations flamindogpoo on this achievement!
+525 XP -
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
Even if it is technically correct, nobody would want anybody to write like that. If you wrote this sort of thing in a paper for a professor, they'd more than likely mark you down for shitting out unintelligible-sounding gibber jabber like this.
11 years ago
le cringe le reddit le new memes x)
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
No shit. It's Google after all.
Posted in: Google Glass users fight privacy fears
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
Saw the movie back in 2004. Thought it was weird as fuck.
Posted in: DVD Movie Review: Millions (2004)
11 years ago
People will find their own origin stories true, and will find their own facts to prove them and disprove others. It's just part of faith, regardless if you find yourself religious or not you know? But I think people find Scientology more of a cult due to its high profile followers (celebrities and whatnot), its reliance on monetary factors and unnatural origin story. But all religions, and even atheism rely on these things, so I don't understand the problem about Scientology. Every religion has its starting point; Scientology was far more recent than others, and appeared in a shaky time for religion in general. I understand people's wariness towards it, but I think they need to also look at how other religions and beliefs are organized before judging it, I guess.
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
I read that as "NCR".
Posted in: NPR Music's 50 Favorite Albums Of 2013
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
I believe the world was created by robots and the only way to robot heaven is through the internet.
I want my religion to be approved by the state now please.
11 years agoLevel Up flamindogpoo
Level 2
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11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
This world is ending.
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
You probably never heard of it.
Posted in: The Forbidden Island
11 years agoComment flamindogpoo
kissing a girl on the hand Confirmed beta.