• Xeno

    I loved this movie, I saw it twice. Second time with Dad for Father's Day of course. It was a hit with him.

    Though I would not expect much of a story or deep, intellectual meanings out of it. It's pretty much just great action with badass characters.

    • bigkix

      This is the first movie ever that I watched twice or two days in a row. It's so simple (SPOILERS AHEAD), they're going from point A to point B and back.... but it's just so good! Action, photography, actors... everything was perfect! And the CGI is the best I have probably ever seen, nothing seemed fake.

      • Milk

        And the CGI is the best I have probably ever seen, nothing seemed fake.

        Except the crash at the end where the guitar flew at the screen for a cheap 3D effect. Besides that I agree the CGI was great.

        • bigkix

          Yeah, ok, that one really looked fake. But what was great to me is the fact that most of the world was CGI or compositioning. Here's an album of some CGI effects and post production compositioning - http://imgur.com/a/zsRVc

      • Xeno

        Yes! It's just really genuinely fun to watch in the moment.