• frohawk

    Ugh, "not a necessity", my ass. Unless you plan to live off the grid, and if you plan for most people to stay lower class, you need the internet. We've incorporated it into too many businesses and products with the assumption that most people have access to it.

    It is important to note that Internet access is not a necessity in the day-to-day lives of Americans

    Clearly, he's never worked in an office when the Internet goes down. Or Googled something he needed/wanted to know, ever.

    Yes, you will not literally die without the Internet, but it's not the internet itself that is an necessity. The internet is just another way to connect to people. Just try having small talk about things without having been on the Internet for just a week. It won't be long into you realize there's a lag in your cultural awareness. Because the internet's a thing that allows for rapid-fire spread of ideas and stories.

    If we inserted Maslow's hierarchy of needs into this argument, I betcha we could fit the Internet along with cell phones in the "love/belonging" category.

    • i208khonsu

      Reminds me of an Interview I caught with republican senator Lindsay Graham where he proudly declared that he never used email. And he's one to say that nobody reads any of the bills. Yeah, no shit you didn't read the bill, It's sitting in your inbox!

    • ttubravesrock

      what if he changed his statement to "High-speed internet access is not a necessity..."