• archmagician

    I read this article a few days ago when it popped up in my Twitter feed and found it to be fascinating. I have a unique spine with some of the issues discussed (and others never seen before) so the pain I'm in is constant and quite intense. The essay did reveal I'm not fear-avoidant. Quite the opposite in fact as I use the problems with my spine as a thing to spur me on every day.

    • drunkenninja

      I've almost never experienced any signifiant back pain, until about 2 months ago. Damn can back pain really ruin your day. Great read, interesting approach to the concept of where the pain is created.

      • archmagician

        Yeah, the pain isn't fun. My spinal issues begin at S1-L5 and continue up to C4 in the cervical spine. Apparently the cervical spine thing started when I was a foetus but wasn't discovered till about 7 years ago so I've probably been in pain my whole life without really knowing any different. That pain has been exacerbated by the arthritis which decided to set in. Given the condition the medical field feel I should be in, and I live with the daily threat of, I could be doing a lot worse.

        • Gozzin

          The worse back pain I had was years ago. My MD stopped it with steroids. Why it did not continue forever is a mystery.

          Instead, that pain is generated by the central nervous system (CNS) and lives within the brain itself.

          This goes for other problems as well it would appear.

          • archmagician

            I may or may not have issues with my CNS. I've had a bunch of DNA tests to try and figure my neuropathy symptoms but they all came back negative. I have a tumour on my spinal cord so we've decided to blame that for the neurological stuff. My neurosurgeon said years ago that it wasn't the cause but the process of elimation with my neurologists seem to leave us with just the tumour. I've been told I'm untreatable and untestable so we'll never really know.

            • Gozzin

              It sounds like one of those unfortunate mysteries of life.