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Published 7 years ago by baron778 with 7 Comments

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  • iamsanchez

    He delayed his Darwin Award win?

    • drunkenninja

      Nothing like a bit of extra suspense before the show! Kidding aside, this man hates science yet needs science to actually survive his idiotic stunt.

      • Gozzin

        This is true. I wonder if he's bright enough to have second thoughts about this? Nawwwwww,gotta flaunt his delusional stupidity.

  • Mtat

    Don't get it, why choose a rocket if he only goes up less than a kilometer? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that a balloon would suffice.

    • Appaloosa (edited 7 years ago)

      He could use a person like you on his science team. You should send him your CV. The easier and faster way to get the truth out to the people the better.

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