• ColonBowel

    Based on data suggesting that many young Japanese people are already avoiding sex and intimate relationships there are some suggestions that this may already be happening. Japanese men are already taking their virtual girlfriend apps away on holiday with them to the island of Atami.


    • Dodecahedron

      Some of them even date their pillows. Guess it's better than them going out and serial killing...


      • Rothulfossil

        That's one way to look at it. Another way is to think, "Well, they're not hurting anyone, so more power to them!"

        We still have a pretty damn xenophobic culture. If I take a cinderblock to a Florida beach, rent out a condo for two, and jack off onto it for hours on end, people are going to think I'm weird as hell. But at the end of the day, what am I really hurting here? Myself? I won't get to reproduce this way? Who cares?

        Disclaimer: I'm not a bricksexual.