• leweb

    Obviously he planned this, but since he mentions the soldiers, I'd like to ask something. Is this more disrespectful than sending soldiers to fabricated wars that can't be won, and then letting veterans go homeless or die due to lack of job opportunities or proper health care once they get back?

    • ttubravesrock

      You're giving Mike Pence too much credit here. This wasn't his plan. He did what he was told to do.

      • maelstorm

        On the taxxpayer dime. Such a joke this administration is.

    • tarrvis

      It's a political stunt in order to pit his base against those protesters. These people don't actually care about veterans, they only care about LOOKING like they care about veterans. That way they can hold how much more "American" they are than the people who are kneeling and protesting.

      To answer your question, players kneeling is not disrespecting the soldiers. I would agree if Pence actually cared about veterans, he would be out campaigning in Congress to pass legislation or increase funding to the VA to actually care about the people who fight in our wars. I mean, honestly, stopping our war economy would be the best route, but I don't ever see Congress doing that.