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  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    +5 5 0

    Are You Receiving a Marriage Bonus or Penalty?

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  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Another new user here, coming from Reddit, and claiming a tribe

    Hello everyone!

    With all the talk of Reddit alternatives over there, I figured I'd give some a try. I've been here on Snapzu for the past 2 hours, and I like what I see so far. I haven't completely given up on Reddit as of now, but who knows, maybe after their next major controversy I'll give it up for good.

    From my point of view, the best aspect of Reddit are the niche communities, and I've found a lot of the same ones here. From what I've seen of tribes like t/personalfinance and t/astronomy, they are doing a very good job. One community that I participated the most in on Reddit (although not as much as many others) was r/tax. I am an Enrolled Agent, and have been working in taxes for 8 years, and I enjoy being able to get more people educated about the US tax code. With that in mind, I claimed the tribe t/tax to try to recreate that community here on Snapzu. I know the goal is not to recreate Reddit here, but I feel that such a community would be beneficial. So... if you're a tax professional like myself, or if you have a tax question, come by t/tax. Right now is our offseason, so your question is more likely to be answered today than April 15.

    Thanks again to Snapzu for building this site.

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