• BlueOracle

    Thank you for sharing! :)

    I like "Lost Faith" especially. It really captures the heartbreak of a crisis of faith. My favorite part is, "The doubts and fear began to flow/Realizing how little we actually know/But you were gone, your smile and its reflection." That could be a poem all by itself! Very good work. I like that you included a bit of explanation as well. I read them first without knowing your intent, and then again after, and it was interesting how they changed for me. I feel knowing a bit more about a poet's mindset often enriches the work.

    This might seem like a strange question, but have you ever watched the show "Angel"? There is a symbolic depiction of a crisis of faith in that show that I found very interesting and moving. This is my own interpretation of it, but I'm guessing it was also the intended message since it seemed so obvious. The story arc I'm talking about is Season 4: Episodes 18-22, in case you're curious. You might want to check it out if you haven't already, and if you have seen it I would be curious to know what you thought.

    • Wenjarich

      Thanks :)

      I also think it is useful to know the context to which the poem was written. Sure a poem can be interpreted on its own, but that then would be more of a reflection of the meaning that the poem induces in you as an individual, the context allows you to better see what meaning it held for the writter. I always found it strange when we studied poetry at school and the teacher said, " This is what the author was trying to say...." I would think to myself, that sure it was a possibility but unless the author actually gave you some context then you don't know. Not to say that your own interpretation isn't important, it just depends what you are looking to get from the poem.

      Something else you may find interesting, I wrote "Lost Faith" with the intention of putting it to music as it was around the time I had started to write my own songs. I just never managed to come up with a tune I was happy to go with it. Maybe one day I still will. :P That also happens to be why I haven't strictly written poetry (although I think lyrics should be poetry written to music) in a while because after this it was all lyrics writing, which I consider to be a similar process and also feel as much effort should go into the meaning of the words as if one was writing poems.

      With regard to your question, I have not watched the Angel episode you refer to, I'll take a look at it and let you know my thoughts.

      • BlueOracle

        Sometimes I like poetry to be mysterious, but I generally appreciate some context. I find it very fun to read a poem before and after I know anything about a poet's perspective, as I did with your work. It does depend on what you're looking to get from a poem, you're quite right. I like that a poem becomes a melding of the poet's intent and the interpretation of the reader, because this means something new is created each time a work is read.

        I can see "Lost Faith" being lyrical. I hope you come up with a tune that fits someday! I consider lyrics to be a type of poetry, so feel free to post lyrics if you wish. It's great that you're writing songs. Do you play an instrument? Are you in a band? I agree that the same care should be taken with lyrics as with poems. I always appreciate good lyrics!

        I'm always jealous of anyone who hasn't seen "Angel"! It was so much fun to watch the first time, although it can be pretty dark thematically. I think it's great you plan on watching it. Hopefully it will make some kind of sense watching just an episode or two. The plot can be a bit hard to follow if you jump in randomly, but it could still be interesting. Don't worry if you don't get around to watching it, or if you hate it. You won't hurt my feeling or anything, I just thought you might like it! :)

        • Wenjarich

          I play the guitar, I started learning 2 years ago when I realised I wanted to try write my own music, I had had vocal training at school but one need some for of backing as a single vocalist. :P I'm not in a band, it's nust me and my songs haha It's very much just a hobby at the moment, a means to express myself on the occasion I feel I have something to say.

          I used to watch Buffy and then a little bit of Angel after that many years back when it was still on TV. I remember enjoying it but I never really sat and watched them all in order, just episodes here and there when I caught them on tv.

          • BlueOracle

            I also play guitar and write songs. I learned guitar because I had been writing poems, and some of them were lyrical, so I wanted to be able to actually set them to music. It's a hobby for me as well both because I'm not very good at guitar and because I can be painfully shy. Nevertheless, learning and playing guitar has been a tremendously enjoyable and enriching experience. There is nothing quite like writing music. :)

            • Wenjarich

              That's awesome :) perhaps you should share some of your compositions here as well. :D