• redalastor

    You pretty much always need to import things first : https://xkcd.com/353/ :D

  • Wenjarich
    @redalastor -

    I'm extremely tempted to try typing import antigravity into my code now :D

  • redalastor
    @Wenjarich -

    Actually, do try it. It links you to that comic.

    Also try

    import this
  • jmcs
    @redalastor -

    That should be in every tutorial even before the hello world.

  • redalastor
    @jmcs -

    Tutorials are often lacking. For instance, none seems to deal virtual environments, one of the most important concepts of python.

    • jmcs
      @redalastor -

      That's probably because before python 3.3 virtual environments were a third party solution and not part of the standard library. When we finally get good python 3 tutorials maybe they'll include venv.