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Published 9 years ago by VoyagerXyX with 4 Comments

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  • xg549

    I seem to remember hearing rumors that the NX is going to go back to being a traditional console with no gimmicks to drive the sales. I hope that's true. I like the Wii U, I own one and several games, but it just missed so much potential by relying on the gamepad for its marketing. I'm glad nintendo is aware of their failure, and I don't blame them for trying to push games that paint the wii u in the light it deserves, especially since they're already so heavily into NX development and clearly moving forward. Regarding the article, I don't find it strange; you can birth one child while still raising another.

    • VoyagerXyX

      I own one and about 8 games as well. I like it enough. Some of the games are really stellar and I'm really glad that I have them. Super Mario 3D World is a great example of that, but of course that game doesn't utilize the gamepad or any other gimmick at all. Most games, however, have been a disappointment for me (personally). When I buy a Nintendo console I expect something very specific and ultimately I feel like the Wii U failed to meet those expectation. That said - I do love my Wii U. I think one of the greatest areas that Nintendo has room for improvement would firstly and most importantly be what you said - a gimmick free console experience with a normal controller and stellar games. The other would be a more user-based multiplayer experience. There's never been a real 'dashboard' experience on a Nintendo console. Messaging and sharing are extremely limited, and over all ability to play with your friends has suffered. Even simple things (outside of maybe Smash and MK8) like sitting on the couch and gaming with your friends in the same room has been whittled away whilst there has been no great strides to the 'internet multiplayer' experience. I don't know, the whole thing is frustrating.

      • xg549

        Yeah. Miiverse wasn't a bad step in the direction of creating a community for nintendo users, but I'm hoping they might take a more integrated approach next gen. Hammering down a more solid friends system and then adding a steam-esque option to join someone's multiplayer session would be glorious.

        That said, nint's always been known to do their own thing rather than keep up with the competition, and I don't think this sort of thing is inside of their scope of vision for what they want out of a console. Sadly.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I just wish for once they could set up a dynamic system of parental controls that can allow adults who play their systems a fantastic online experience. I don't care if they want to keep restrictions on kids so they aren't sending dick pics to eachother (or whatever stupid reason they got rid of spot pass messaging) but there needs to be something more.

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