• NinjaKlaus

    It's time to quit making campy special consoles that don't work like the traditional model. They tried it with the Wii and Wii U lines, it didn't work. Let's get back to making controller style consoles with HD Graphics, HDD Space and quit charging me $10 for virtual console games for each damn device, I should pay once and have them in my account to play on whatever Nintendo Device they can be played on.

    My hopes for the NX is a simple device that is more like the PS4/Xbox One and is easy to develop for. They also need to lay back on their kid friendly image, it's time to grow up and produce all kinds of games and quit pushing away big name developers. When you launch a new console you launch with AAA titles, not just EA and companies, but your own. You launch with Smash Bros, Mario, Zelda and Mario Karts. Don't hold them for years later. On top of that quit pushing more and more handhelds every couple of years, they're big business, we get it, but it's time to push the home market again too.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Godly response echo's my sentiments near perfectly. I thought the Wii was a big success though I'd argue that many of it's games would have been better with a traditional controller. I really hope they can get their act together. I love Nintendo and their IP's very much but they've been really making me irritated lately. It's like they don't listen to their customers at all. :(

      • NinjaKlaus

        The Wii was a big success at moving hardware, I don't know about games themselves. I still have a wii that I use as basically a scale with the Wii Fit.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I was about to start rattling off Wii games when I realized you were right... the list pales in comparison to other hardware that existed during it's time.