• zerozechs

    I've been testing out Edge as well. The only thing that's bothering me right now is if I try to save a site to the favorites bar, I can't enter it with no name (so that only the page icon appears) like I can in chrome or firefox. It's a piddly thing that I'm sure they'll fix at some point, and hopefully this new build will have already addressed it.

    The update is coming in now on my laptop, which is currently running 10162, which I've found to be fast and stable, but still has some bugs (notably in the search bar and in Cortana). I'm looking forward to seeing how they tweak things.

    • vraylle

      ...I had no idea you could do that. TIL. Have an upvote! Now I'm off to update my bookmarks for a while.

    • VoyagerXyX

      It's funny you mention the Cortana bugs. I realized the other day Cortana was neglecting to return a result for my query "Paint". I actually chuckled out loud to myself. I'm sure these things are being ironed out as we speak or have already been taken care of but yes, I agree. Windows 10 and the new edge are both largely impressive!