9 years ago
Eat cells smaller than you and don't get eaten by the bigger ones!
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I wish it had keyboard control instead of mouse control.
If you're using chrome, you can use this
Thanks!!! I'm excited to try this.
Edit: Welp, the extension doesn't even seem to work. :(
Well that's weird :/
I know this is the one I tried, and it worked when I tried it the first time, but you're right. It doesn't work anymore. Sorry about that.
No problem, I found another one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aga...pro-controls/pbobiamfiefihckgfbppiigkfbkbmhlm
Keyboard control means you can only work this in 8 directions. If Agar.io came out as a game on the Xbox and PS4 as a little $5 indie, it would be a hot seller, I can guarantee that.
It's already been greenlit on steam. Who knows if it might get ported to consoles after that.
Even controller support honestly would be better than the mouse at this point. I'd really love this on a tablet where it uses the gyro to control. That'd be awesome fun.
I played this a month ago, but it's not that fun. This is due to people forming teams of 3+ on free for all and massacring everyone else. There's no chance to make top 5 unless you also form a team or the existing team is incompetent. The lack of progress saving is also annoying after investing some time in it. All in all, it is a fun way to pass some time and I would recommend it to everyone else, but don't expect it to be more than a novelty game. Cheers.
Very much so a novelty game. I'm surprised there is no single player mode. That would keep me playing significantly longer.
The fix is to just name yourself one of the big teams names, then they run around giving you resources http://i.imgur.com/BUL4tMX.png
It's like your a virus, taking resources from them.
Very well, if you can't beat them, you might as well join them.
I prefer to say I'm using them :p
That's the spirit! It's like being a team player! (except you aren't... xD )
If you like the idea, but want to play offline: http://osmos-game.com/
The graphics and music create a great atmosphere.
Ooh, Osmos! Absolutely beautiful game with a fun premise, but god does it get frustrating after a while.
Great link! Thanks for sharing! :D I'll be playing this today for sure!
Eh, it's a fun game, but it gets boring pretty quickly.
I'm not bored yet, but I believe you.
This reminds me of flOw, but in multiplayer form.
Thanks for posting flOw, that's one of my favorite games of all time.
I think Spore actually had a part with a similar game to this. Totally about to kill a few minutes on it.
OH MY GOD IT'S MULTIPLAYER — Make that a few hours.
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This is ridic fun, I'd love a smooth running version with steam integration
Is it just me, or is it super laggy
I haven't experienced any lag so I can't vouch for that :\ try a different browser?
Possibly Try a different server
Fun game! I was able to reach top 2 in my room at one point, just floating around lol.
Barely moving at that point :P
When I get larger than around 1500 I pretty much never go around in a single ball, instead staying in a little "fleet" and whenever I go back into a single ball I split into someone to devour them.
If you get the tactics of splitting into people down it actually gets a lot easier the bigger you get.
I've always been nervous to split because I don't want to make myself vulnerable to the larger cells!
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One of the best time wasting games right now.