Post Overview
9 years ago+31 31 0NSFW Rare Photos Reveal The Most Beautiful Things Found At Burning Man
You most likely have never experienced Burningman. Known for its fearless, exotic and beautiful rituals and expressions of love, some people shy away to the thought of ever going. The beautiful women, amazing art, and incredible contraptions will a ...
9 years ago+2 2 0Economies and corporations explained using cows
★ something funny ★
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0The 'child mother' of North Korea's parentless -
Jang Jong Hwa lost both her parents during the great famine in the 1990s. Now she's raising seven other orphans, all in the name of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
Current Event
9 years ago+26 26 0Monkey who took ‘selfie’ should own copyright
A monkey who took a well-known "selfie" should be declared the photo's owner, animal rights activists argued in lawsuit.
9 years ago+17 17 0Plants ‘n’ Trees | Things that look like people
Plants and trees that look like people.
Current Event
9 years ago+18 18 0The Dark Money Man: How Sean Noble Moved the Kochs’ Cash into Politics and Made Millions
Sean Noble was a former congressional aide just starting as a political consultant when he was recruited to help run the Kochtopus — Charles and David Koch’s multi-layered political network.
9 years ago+2 2 0How Dark Money Flows Through the Koch Network
An obscure Arizona nonprofit disbursed millions in cash from anonymous donors. Some was spent on the 2012 elections.
9 years ago+1 1 0Jose's interview - URUGUAY (10 minutes)
Excerpt from the film HUMAN
Current Event
9 years ago+11 11 0U.S. Will Accept More Refugees as Crisis Grows
Four million Syrians have fled to other countries, and hundreds of thousands of others from the Middle East and Africa have been pouring into Europe. Mr. Kerry said the United States would explore ways to increase the overall limit of refugees beyond ...
Current Event
9 years ago+15 15 0Canada Accelerates Syrian Refugees Settlement Plan As Other Countries Forced To Close Their Borders
“These measures will ensure that thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees will have reached Canada by the end of 2015. Our existing commitment to resettle 10,000 Syrians will be complete a full 15 months earlier than originally anticipated.”
Current Event
9 years ago+34 34 0U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys
Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American ...
Current Event
9 years ago+1 1 0Hungarian riot police use water cannon against refugees
Refugees wanting to enter Hungary from Serbia were faced with teargas and water cannon at the newly closed border
9 years ago+23 23 0Modern Art Simplified
9 years ago+2 2 0Syrian Refugee Family's Journey To The Heart Of Europe
This is truly an amazing video. 15 minutes. Phenomenal perspective.
Current Event
9 years ago+27 27 07-Year-Old Native American Student Removed From School For Traditional Mohawk Haircut
St. George, Utah — This week, a 7-year-old Native American student was sent home from school because he had a traditional mohawk haircut, which is common in many native cultures. According to school officials, the boys haircut was "distracting ...
9 years ago+28 28 0Rose I grew 2015
9 years ago+24 24 0College be like...
9 years ago+2 2 0Jabbawockeez at Body Rock 2015
9 years ago+2 2 0Adventure Club Spring Fever Mix 2014
45 minute mix
9 years ago+2 2 0Vitamins & Amino Acids: what they do for you & what foods have them
This is just a good reference point for anyone who is interested in actual food as medicine instead of using pills or vitamin tablets