• DJVee

    The great circle continues. Redditors also looked unfavorably upon Diggers during the Digg Exodus. When that long September arrives in a small, tight-knit site, the original community will fight to preserve their ways, but invariably, the old ways will become a part of the larger "modern" era. The meshing of old and new will undoubtedly work to the site's advantage, going forward.

    As more users integrate with Snapzu, the community will balance itself out, and will become a bit more relaxed. Snapzu is a great site, but as you could imagine, a few Snapzites are annoyed that the site is pretty chaotic right now, and are voicing their concerns to try and maintain the old peace. The beautiful thing about this, to me, is that the old peace might not return for some time, and that's wonderful! Snapzu is growing exponentially, and alongside Voat, is poised to become a fantastic community all its own. As history has shown, the Roman Empire didn't fall in a day, and in its throes into irrelevancy, the skies opened up and showed to the world that there is more than enough room for multiple smaller communities.

    The older users are simply adjusting best they can. They do mean well. I personally don't have a problem with brevity (it is the soul of wit, after all), and I'm sure others don't as well, but the line between intelligent brevity and low-effort posting is very fine. It is my hope that the community can tell the difference, and indeed, in this case they are correct!

    In closing, it's pretty crazy right now, but believe me, it's a wonderful place to be. Thank you for being here!