• NotWearingPants

    but there's an earnestness to the show, a sincerity, that really convinced me to watch it through.

    If you haven't watched Babylon 5, I heartily recommend it. JMS wrote most of the episodes from the middle of the second season onwards, and he knows how to tell a long story arc better than anyone else I've seen. The special Fx are a little dated, and the first season is a little uneven, but there are payoffs as late as season 4 from little things seen in season 1.

    • Triseult

      Hardcore B5 fan back in the day. :) I LOVED that show so damn much, even wrote to JMS a few times on Usenet.

      I tried rewatching it a few years ago and... It hasn't aged really well, I find. The acting is wooden in most parts, and the writing varies from awesome to cringe-worthy. But there's no denying how revolutionary his storytelling was back then. I like to think series like "The Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad" wouldn't have been greenlit if it hadn't been for the path B5 opened up for them.

      • NotWearingPants

        I'm on ep 4 of Sense8 right now, sticking with it because I remember how up and down B5 was the first year. I expect it to start taking off and hope that if it does, he gets a nice long arc to play with.

        • Triseult

          The first four episodes of Sense8 were rough for me, but things kinda clicked together after that. There are still problems, but they got increasingly less irritating from then on out.

          Good luck with it. :)

          • NotWearingPants

            Thanks. I'm going to have to binge watch before the fall semester starts.