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Published 9 years ago by Traveler with 4 Comments

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  • Fuyu

    As interesting as this is, it's hard to give any credit to it since it uses the BMI system. I wish we could find a more accurate system to use that actually measured fat-weight vs muscle-weight.

    • l23r

      Typically if someone is above the recommended BMI they are fat

      You don't need a special test or equipment to tell either. Just look at them.

      • Fuyu

        Very few people I know who are "BMI Obese" are even relatively overweight. At worst they've got a bit of fluff. When you only calculate height vs weight, the amount of muscle you have is points against you so you can be a perfectly healthy person and the BMI chart will tell you you're Obese for having muscle.

  • l23r

    Texas isn't the fattest state?! It looks like Colorado is an oasis being suffocated in all other directions - but even the green places show that not one state has fewer than one in four fat ppl

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