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Published 9 years ago by Traveler with 2 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    Hiking is great to do, but there's some serious caveats. Dressing like the couple in the photo will only get you Lyme disease. Wear good shoes with long socks. Keep the OFF! handy and reapply it during the day to keep the insects at bay. Always hike with a partner or two with an exit plan if someone gets incapacitated on the trail.

    If you're planning to do an all-day hike, pack plenty of water. Dehydration in the middle of the woods sucks. Consider a GPS unit on longer hikes as well. Set your car as a waypoint so you can navigate back to it if need be.

  • rti9 (edited 9 years ago)

    I often hear people complain that cardio like treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bicycle are very monotonous. I tackle that problem by listening to my preferred music during the exercise. If even like that the activity is still boring, the solution is to hike, walk, or run outdoors.

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