Post Overview
9 years ago+14 14 0Blade Runner or Beijing?
A gif I made of my favorite movie, Blade Runner, after seeing pictures of what Beijing looks like under heavy smog.
Text Post
9 years ago+6 6 0What is your favorite color, and why?
Instead of doing a normal introductory post, I figured I'd post a discussion instead, especially as I've been thinking about this one lately.
Anyway, my favorite color is blue, and it's because I love the calm, cool serenity feel I get from the color in just about any shade and on any surface. It reminds me a lot of my favorite types of weather (rain and snow) and of cool, calm days without stresses or worries.
9 years ago+1 1 0Ozarks in the Winter
A picture by the National Parks Service of a mill in Ozarks National Park during winter. The national park is located in my home state of Missouri, and I've been several times; it's always a gorgeous place.
9 years ago+2 2 0The Nation of Brotherly Love
Another one of my own maps (yay for self-promotion), one I did nearly a year ago. This is a map of North America in a world where a slight difference at the Constitutional Convention results in the USA having its capital in Philadelphia and expand to ...
9 years ago+1 1 0Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata
A map by nanwe01 on deviantart, this one shows the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata in 1910, 100 years after their successful unification in 1810 and their subsequent rise to a South American Great Power.
9 years ago+1 1 0Greater Prussia
A map by the excellent 1Blomma on deviantart depicting a successful German Spring Offensive in 1918 that results in a German victory in World War I and Prussia annexing all of Belgium and most of Russian Poland.
9 years ago+3 3 0Winter Night
My favorite piece of winter art, by Fel-X on deviantart.
Text Post
9 years ago+1 1 0/t/ahmaps for maps of the alternate history sort, showing what could have been if history had taken a different turn
Thanks for visiting! I'll be uploading plenty of content myself every day, and anyone is welcome to submit their own maps or ones they found online.
9 years ago+1 1 0The Second Death of the Red World
Created by Ammonoidea on deviantart, this is a different sort of map from most on here. Not only depicting another world, but an alternate future (hopefully) rather than the past. Here, humans colonized Mars and began the process of terraforming...on ...
9 years ago+2 2 0The German Empire in 2014
A map by Pischinovski on deviantart, this depicts a world in which Wilhelm II of Germany dies early, in 1904, and thus the German Empire, with better leadership, is able to survive into 2014 free of Nazis and the Cold War, though with significant cha ...
9 years ago+9 9 0Union of American Federal Republics
A map by rvbomally on deviantart showing a much darker alternate United States. In this world, John Wilkes Booth and allies succeeded in assassinating not just Abraham Lincoln, but Vice President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward. In the much mor ...
9 years ago+2 2 0Map of New York
An alternate map of an independent New York by GarudaTeam on deviantart. This one depicts a world in which New York rebelled from the United States in 1894, won its independence in 1896, and had Teddy Roosevelt as its first President, creating a regi ...
9 years ago+3 3 0United Kingdom of Scandinavia
A map of a United Kingdom of Scandinavia by Kuusinen on deviantart. In the artist's own words, the map depicts a Scandinavia that remained united under the Kalmar Union to the present day, rather than dissolving in the 16th century.
9 years ago+8 8 0The Grand War
A map I made myself, depicting a world where a Muslim China rose after a fateful rebellion, which in our world killed nearly 100,000 rich Muslims in China in the 800s, never happened. This map, written in a modified version of Anglo-Saxon English due ...
9 years ago+3 3 0American and Spanish Claim Lines Following the Louisiana Purchase
Map posted by Cartoko on Flickr.
9 years ago+1 1 0Lake Karakul, Xinjiang, China
Photo by Dmitry P on Flickr.