Another post that shows multiple maps in the same universe, this time for rvbomally's "Dixie" scenario. Basically, the CSA manages to win the Civil War...but quickly collapses under its own weight a few years later, resulting in a rump CSA, the USA annexing the Upper South, and a few of the former CSA states going on their own.
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Newest map of the United States in the Dixie world.
Map of the Republic of Louisiana in the Dixie world, a nation that rivals the Netherlands in reclaiming the ocean.
A small map of the Confederate States of America in modern times; more or less a banana republic.
A world map of the Dixie world, complete with annotations.
An older version of the United States map, sadly deleted from his deviantart.
A closer map of Europe in the same universe, also deleted from his deviantart.
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