ToadalDisaster's feed
7 years ago
We'll need another great depression before we can finally push through real economic and political reform.
7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
It's devastating to go to the town where I grew up and see needles everywhere. We've pushed poverty and despair out to the suburbs and those people with no educate and no prospects turn to drugs to relieve the pain in a disastrous way.
Posted in: ‘It’s raining needles’
7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
This 'article' is nothing but useless generalizations, finger pointing, and moral grandstanding.
7 years agoAnalysis ToadalDisaster
The most forward-thinking college in America teaches every student the exact same stuff
As David Brooks of the New York Times recently wrote, the college has the “courage to be distinct.”
7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Whenever I read something by Sedaris all I get is the impression he is a smug asshole who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Liberal elitism through and through. He's just as ignorant and pig headed as the Trump supporters he mocks.
7 years agoLevel Up ToadalDisaster
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7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
I love it when the supposed 'rational truth seekers' react with the same knee jerk nonsense as conservatives. The NYTimes article was not 'false equivalency' it was an explanatory peace about why many in the Republican party don't believe in climate change, it not a support piece for them or their position.
Turns out that this leading climate scientist turns out to be practically illiterate when it comes to his capacity for reading.
What a joke the liberal left in the USA continues to be.
7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Happy workers are more productive and effective workers.
I wonder if the USA will ever adopt this mentality rather than the idea.
7 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Switch seems doomed to be a novelty item, but I respect Nintendo for trying.
Wii worked because it was novel and simpler than it's competition and therefore could appeal to a wider audience, Switch isn't. It's basically another Vita.
Posted in: Every Switch launch game we know of so far
7 years agoAchievement ToadalDisaster
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations ToadalDisaster on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
7 years agoAnalysis ToadalDisaster
2016 Bible of Bike Tests - Bike Magazine
All 31 mountain bike reviews from Bike Mag's 2016 Bible of Bike Tests, which took place at Vermont's Kingdom Trails.
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
I love how workers are always are always guilty of never working hard enough in the USA.
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
1970 is an interesting year to do this metric. Why? Because it was the 70s when the tax revolts started. Boomers were making bank and decided they didn't want to share the wealth. They climbed the ladder and started pulling it up behind them rather than keeping it there for their children to climb it.
There is no reason the economy should be this way other than the sheer greed of those who have already made it.
Posted in: Is the American Dream Really Dead?
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Never understood why anyone admired this techno-douche.
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
How I wish this was true. But it's great that Germany is making an effort tot keep their capitol into another playground for the global elite.
8 years agoLevel Up ToadalDisaster
Level 4
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8 years agoAchievement ToadalDisaster
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations ToadalDisaster on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Where is the part where she is unhappy because they don't travel enough?
Posted in: Love is..
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
The reason they are wise is because anyone can project their own meaning onto them. They have a universality that makes them immediately accessible to smart and dumb alike. Meaning is not a universal constant to which there is a singular authority.
How the hell did the quantify what as bullshit and not? Plenty of worthwhile statements out of context become bullshit. Also interesting they did no comparison with marketing language.
8 years agoAchievement ToadalDisaster
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations ToadalDisaster on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
8 years agoCurrent Event ToadalDisaster
Bumble shifts to emphasize networking
Why look for your next fling when you could be moving up that corporate ladder using the Bumble app?
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
Berlin is a great city. Glad to see they are interested in keeping that way.
8 years agoComment ToadalDisaster
What a load of bombast. Another media elite crying that Trump is the 'end of all good things'. The only difference between Trump and most of the public faces of the Republican party is Trump doesn't veil his words and double-talk to hide his extreme views. If anyone it's the news media who has played up Trump over and over and over and made him the only viable candidate. Just like they did with Clinton. That plus the this nonsense about how we are 'too democratic' and resent the elites. Please, what people resent is that they are jobless while the elites make all their money on rent-seeking, bribery, and pulling up the economic ladder behind themselves via regulatory capture, not to mention the collusion in government that effective prevents any true and useful reform from being passed.
show morePosted in: America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny