• uSansSnoo

    I'm glad someone is getting their work out there online. I'm just not sure why I would want to replace my other note taking software with this.

    • TheEnglishMajor

      As with anything, the benefit of Workflowy depends entirely on your needs (and in your case, what the other note software is already providing). For me, Workflowy just jives with how my brain works. It allows me to burrow deeper and deeper and add sub-points/notes to everything. I have trouble with Evernote, for example, because I'm always trying to create notebooks inside my notebooks (before remembering that I can't).

      And I'd say I haven't necessarily "replaced" any of my previous note-taking systems. I still scribble things on paper when necessary; I still go on tangents in Google Drive; I still use Excel to keep track of timelines and ages and things. Workflowy has been effective for plotting more than anything else -- and since I can tag the characters' names, it's made it incredibly easy to look at every single thing I've decided about a character all at the same time, if needed.