• Tessier

    My, grumpy old gamer, thoughts on this:

    Doom. Hard to judge from that prerendered and scripted demo, but could be good. I would be up for a sci-fi monster shooter, haven't seen a FPS that interests me since Shadow Warrior. They keep saying "fast", but it didn't really look that way. The art direction isn't particularly interesting, but I do like it. Obviously they had to add a multiplayer, but I'm very skeptical of it, creating a compelling multiplayer FPS these days is near impossible. Snapmap looks clunky, I understand they want it to run on consoles, but would be better, if they simply released real modding tools.

    Battlecry. Interesting art style, but the game looks awful. I don't care for team/class-based competitive shooters anyway.

    Dishonored 2. Who knows, it's just a trailer.

    The Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone still cares? At this point, it's almost safe to say, that all western MMORPGs are and will be awful.

    The Elder Scrolls Legends. Strangely, I'm not surprised. I'm sure some people will be all over it, but it isn't for me.

    Fallout 4. I don't know. I'm sure, it will be a huge world with a lot of things in it... but will it be a good game? I would have liked to see, what they learned from previous games and how are they going to improve Fallout 4. Are the quest design better? Does the world react better and change more? Are NPCs more alive? How is the difficulty kept up? But what I saw instead, was just another Fallout/The Elder Scrolls game. To be fair, that's probably enough for it to be successful and fun. I'm just not sure, if it's for me - someone who doesn't like Skyrim and Oblivion and still feels bored of Fallout 3. With development time that long, they could have at lest ported it to an id Tech engine.

    • Splitfish

      I'm most excited about Fallout 4 but I agree with most of your concerns.