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Published 10 years ago by TNY with 5 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    I till probably be an unpopular position, but I like the idea of a country becoming active with a fitness program for kids. I'm pretty sure that the US does this as well. But, it's a lot more parent-friendly and soothing.

    Here's a page with a little more info on what's going on in the pic. You can use Google translate if you need to.

    Sitting in a sauna, then running out in the snow and dumping water on yourself is a pretty normal thing in Nordic countries and Russia.

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, I don't know if that's Stalinist.. essentially whats happening is that if the parents can't assure their kids will get some daily exercise by making sure they play "outside", and do stuff kids did 30 years ago before the internet, video games, cell phones, tablets, etc. Its a good idea, kids need to move and sort out a healthy life style early so they can continue this way into adulthood.

      • idlethreat

        You said it far better than I could. Upvote for you, good sir!

        But yeah, I'm 200% behind anything to get kids into healthy habits early.

  • bradd

    Fitness = communism obvs.

  • Gozzin

    Some of that sounds like fun,some of it,not so much.

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