• drunkenninja

    "But when we started to use this in the disciplinary pods, all of a sudden the incidence of fights, disorder, of attacks against our staff started to drop tremendously. The word got around — we knew it would. And we'll often hear from inmates, 'Please, please, I won't do that anymore. Don't put me in the disciplinary pod. I don't want to eat nutraloaf.' "

    Scientists say it's the monotony of eating the loaf that's the real punishment. Marcia Pelchat, a physiological psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, says humans have evolved to crave a variety of food.

    "Having to eat the loaf over and over again probably makes people miserable. They might be a little nauseated by it, they're craving other foods," says Pelchat.

    Hmm, this reminds me of Soylent, really interesting how some people are actually willing to drink something like Soylent day and night so they don't need to waste time preparing food.

    • Splitfish

      I duno, I kind of enjoy eating all kinds of foods of all cultures. This looks ultra boring.

      • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

        Thats what Im saying... There is people complaining in prison of all places that eating the same thing sucks and its literally cruel and unusual punishment, yet there are people out there so damn lazy that they are willing to drink sludge day and night because it saves them time and money. I find it ironic.

        • Splitfish

          Different people are different I guess. Some care for it, others don't. It really is ironic though.